Belgaum Green City

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The Karnataka Forest dept, City Corporation, BUDA & various other organizations have started a project GREEN CITY, in which 50,000 new trees will be planted all over the city.bgmgreencity-1

All Ready for the ministers to come
All Ready for the ministers to come
The road you see was full of potholes the same was covered before the event
The road you see was full of potholes the same was covered before the event


In the inaugural program of the same was held today at Subhash Chandra Bose Grounds (Lele Ground). The initiative taken is in the right direction and hope fully the saplings planted today will remain there and grow into big trees in the years to come. No doubt this project is very good but the manner in which the same will be executed has to be seen. Normally trees are planted and forgotten, public should take care of these planted trees and protect them from animals and also watering the same in summer.

The project cost is Rs.1 crore out of which the corporation and BUDA have paid in Rs.25 lakh each. The saplings will be planted on the sides of the roads in between the dividers etc all over the city. Various varieties of trees will be planted.

2 thoughts on “Belgaum Green City”

  1. these tree can be protected till they grow old by the local schools.Corporation must devise a scheme to involve school.


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