Belgaum joins Anna in fight against corruption

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Anti Corruption Committee at Maruti Mandir

As the entire nation is supporting Anna, Belgaum is no different with people supporting Anna and team.

Some images of the Rally/Fast from the city.

IAC organised rally to DC office saw students in a major number along with othersdownloadfile 2

16 thoughts on “Belgaum joins Anna in fight against corruption”

  1. The last image is pretty disappointing though. I mean we already are exhausting petrol reserves, and people came out to rallies on their vehicles. One day off the roads would help us a long way.
    Loved the second pic.

  2. And about d last pic…though it wasnt a ‘rolling thunder’ kinda rally of d u.s wid all harleys….it was really heartening to see people join in d rally….im sayin dis cos if u wer der ud notice a majority of people watchin in groups from a distance…commenting…looking at d girl supporters n all….even though on bikes,they came atleast …and i’m happy for dat…really happy…d people who acted are far far superior dan d bystanders,roadside commentators and oglers!!

  3. I really wish to see both KRV and MES bury the hatchet and together openly rally for Anna Hazare and share a common identity called "Indian" and platform called "India Against Corruption"

    Its time to remind our national duty and work together keeping aside regional and language issues. Both Maratha's and Kannadiga's in fact all are victim of cancer called corruption.

    Let's hope n pray this turns into reality.

    Vande Mataram

  4. This is vary good response from the Belgaum .. I am also part of this City but currently staying California in US.
    I do support this protest and for the strong Jan Lokapal Bill.

    Vande Mataram..

  5. Well a very good response by the Belgaumites. The wonderful thing is that the youth is at front & marching ahead. Now with a bit taste of success we should not rest & enjoy it rather keep up the momentum so that the ultimate result is achieved.

  6. U know thar something’s seriously wrong when typing Anna on google shows Anna Hazare before Anna Kournikova or Anna Nicole Smith!

  7. supporting anna against corruption is good ,but it is our duty to follow the law you dont have to bribe if u r right This is my request to all young and old belgaum people to keep all valid documents while driving cars or bike there is a anna inside u start supporting get a driving licence first, Or after 10 years we may need a second lok pal bill JAI HIND

  8. well its been quite melodramatically seen, the support has risen humongously
    my college is closed today and i dont see a cgange in this [part] for other week
    so with thus kind of supportfrom entire nation anna has indeed turned as second "bapu" but however the upa govt must take no delay to pass this jan lokpal bill for people are not very patient and the whole nation may become a riot against the govt and also this type of revolt is sure to shatter parliament so congress watch out!!!!

  9. well there was too much anger inside every youth::: all the roads,NH4's were shouting "ANNA ANNA ANNA", hum tumhare saath he>>>> it was awesome journey from bogarves to chennama
    Gr8…… this was the 1st time i went into roads to support ANNA HAZARE


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