Belgaum tense city is completely closed

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After communal voilence in vadgaon last night sec 144 is imposed in entire city.
schools colleges will be closed today and tomorrow.
curfew order not yet officially declared in entire city.
Please dont spread any kind of rumours.
This is the need of the day. Police is patorling sensitive areas and also asking people stay inside.

13 thoughts on “Belgaum tense city is completely closed”

  1. Please update with correct news. Heading you have put is CURFEW IMPOSED IN ENTIRE BELGAUM and below it is written “curfew order not yet officially declared in entire city.”

  2. I stay in UAE an Islamic country , here govt has asked to remove all charity tents after end of Ramdan to avoid any public inconvenience I don’t understand ,Why are some people of a particular community in India are so provocative and insensitive rather less tolerant , People who raze this tent down would have asked authorities to do this instead taking law in thier own hands and since after the Eid was over Why not the charity insititution removed the tent.
    Now every Belguamite is suffering….How long should we Indians suffer in hate and disgust…?

  3. Communal violence has erupted in Belgaum city, few anti social elements were trying to start a communal violence since long and finally it seems they are succeeding.

    I pray this stops here and does not get any worse, we belgaumites want peace and happiness and don’t want innocent people to become victim of false interests of anti social elements.

    Today morning I saw funeral procession of a person who was killed yesterday night and quickly a thought popped in my mind that today this person was victim and tomorrow it could be me or any one of us if this continues.

    What about the families of the people who lost their life, their kids become orphans overnight, wives turn widows and we can only imagine the condition of parents to see their son dead, a happy family lost in the dark shadow of sorrow, and all this only to benefit false intensions of few anti social elements.

    This violence will bring bad name to our city and its people and will affect the growth of the city and business.

    It’s time we all come together and restore peace, we all love belgaum we will not allow peace of our city to be disturbed and we all want peaceful, happy and progressive city and not bloodshed of innocent people.

    I request everyone here to be alert and if you notice any unusual activities in your area please report it to police immediately you could save lots lives.

    • completly agreed wit u sir.. These kind of things completely changes the way communities look at each other.. Sad to see my city getting torn by these people.

  4. Thanks Uday for the update and are the angel on whom we people living outside the country rely on for the latest in Belgaum where our families reside..Please tweet and also update on this site regarding the latest and actual situations..Thanks!!

    Hope peace prevails fast…

  5. some people saying that 138 sec, applied, so most of the people still confused , and no any one is confirming about the buses and government offices is working or not, that news will really helpfull to the people, thanku,

  6. No body will gain anything, only politicians will take advantage of this situation, family who lost the person and comman man like us will suffer- very sad and unsocial act.

  7. anyone or any community will not develop with any kind of violence. crash, or kill. we’ve to look our culture and religion? which religion allows to spread inhumanity or immorality culture and deeds? we are indians, we’ve to protect our country from all evils. there is no difference between Muslims and Hindus. it’s like a family, one is from our real brother and other one is our cousin brother. so save your all affords and energies to make a successful person.


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