Belgaums heart throb image

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belgaum blog news

This particular image has been the favorite of many Belgaumites after it was posted on this blog. I still don’t know who has clicked this.

I just posted at as it was sent to me by Sandeep Badavanache . He has confirmed that he has not clicked the photo but, it’s someone else and he just happened to get in his email.

This particular photo is very famous in Orkut and many of them have added this picture into their albums.

I appeal the one who ahs clicked it you have done a great job, and by mistake if you are reading this blog do come back with some more good ones.


4 thoughts on “Belgaums heart throb image”

  1. indeed its a very gud snap..u know stayin in saudi..took this snap n saved it in ma cel boastin to ma fnz..look at ma city…haha..really g8..who eveh it is..thnxz a lot buddy..upload somemore if possbile..

  2. Thanks a lot for the nice picture from Belgaum. I miss my city. I have done my higher education in Belgaum and love the place and people. Cheers! Belgaum

  3. Well, i still remember when i was a kid and used to go to CBT for bus pass. those days this lake was sick to look at. i am really happy to see the facelift. i am sure the lake is as beautiful in real as it looks in this photo.

  4. During my school and college days, I used to Jog here

    This is too good a picture :-), Last year I visited Belgaum and went on a walk and boating with my Nieces and Nephews, They have grown so much along with them Belgaum has grown.

    I was really Happy to see such a vast improvement in the Lake. I hope they add a restuarant in the middle of the Lake and keep the Water clean.

    I will never forget my days in Belgaum


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