Belgaum’s Rs 320 crore foundry industry supplies Mahatrashtra’s carmakers with spare parts. The foundries also source raw material from Maharashtra, which makes the parts 8% more expensive because of inter-state taxes.
The industry would rather be part of Maharashtra and politicians have taken up the cause. The tussle between Maharashtra and Karnataka is in the courts and the Karnataka government is doing all it can to prove it’s developing the district.
In September last year, the Karnataka government held one assembly session in this building here in Belgaum to send a clear message that Belguam is very much part of Karnataka and further prove their point they decided to change officially change the name of the town to its Kannada name Belgavi a few months ago.
Belgaum will soon also have an IT park, a textile park, a foundry cluster, two SEZs, a new airport and a mini Vidhan Soudha. The town will host two of Karantaka’s investor meets and the World Kannada Forum.
Amita Prasad, Regional Commissioner, Belgaum Division says, “Belgaum is an integral part of Karnataka and development has always been happenng. From the government point of view Belgaum is a part of Karnataka.”
There is a striking difference in development between north and south Karnataka. A Najundappa Committee report says the south is 10 years ahead. But now Belgaum in the north is getting its due.
Many of you after reading this may not adhere to the top, but I just wanted to show how national media thinks about Belgaum.If the same was published in TarunBharat it would be said that its Pro Marathi. If the same appeared in a Kannada paper Pro Kannada. I am a BELGAUMITE for me both are languages I know to read and write and its does not matter untill and unless there is some development. Let me know your views also.
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