“In the next 5 years, Bharatesh Education Trust (BET) aims to launch its own satellite” said Vinod Doddanavar, Trustee of BET. He was speaking at the inauguration of the Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) at Smt. Jeevanavva R. Doddanavar Bharatesh High School at Halaga on Tuesday 22nd March 2022. MLC Arun Shahapure was the chief guest for the event while Parameshwar Hegade , Chairman-Sant Meera School, BEO (Rural ) R.P. Juttanavar and DDPI Basavaraj Nalatavad were the guests of honor.
Star gazing made easy
This is the third ATL sanctioned to Bharatesh Eductaion Trust along with 2 more at its other campuses. The Halaga ATL caters to students from rural areas and is focused around renewable energy sources keeping in view the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The lab boasts of state of the art equipment and a hi-tech automated computerized telescope for sky gazing. The hi-tech i-optron telescope has a built-in computer and sensors and one can feed any star with its name and the computer moves the telescope to focus on that star/planet/constellation. It also works in manual mode.
Bharatesh students have been amazed at the ability of this device and are flocking for sky gazing. This ATL also has a weather station that gives updated data on the temperature, wind velocity and direction, humidity and rainfall at any given time. This would make it possible to track weather changes on a continuous basis for students to understand the significance of weather patterns. Large images of satellites, weather forecast patterns, constellations and blow up images make the labs a students’ magnet.
Bharatesh’s own satellite
In keeping with India’s goal of being the world’s superpower, Bharatesh Education Trust has set off on an ambitious path in technology. Already, its 2 functional ATL’s have been visited by students from several schools in the city with its fascinating drones, robotics, functional rockets and 3-D printing machine. All equipment is at hand to create amazing functional pieces available at these labs for the students. The Trust now has an aim of launching its own satellite in the next five years through these ATL’s to make it truly a nation’s dream come true. The small capacity satellites would be launched mainly for education purposes. The three Atal Tinkering Labs have set in motion a renewed zest for science and technology among its hundreds of students.
Schools in the city can get in touch with Bharatesh to visit these labs and allow students a first -hand experience of the mesmerizing world of science and technology.