BIMS Director Dastikoppa sent on compulsory leave

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After a series of complaints were raised about BIMS and the treatment given there, some heads have started rolling at the BIMS.

The director of BIMS Dr Vinay Dastikoppa has been sent on a compulsory leave.

Citing dereliction in duty at BIMS, District surgeon Dr. Kahaji has issued orders of relieving 7 nurses, including the nursing superintendent.

Deputy Chief Minister Laxman Savadi had said, The service here is the worst. I am not sure in which language I should speak to these thick-skinned officers.” He also took BIMS director Vinay Dastikop and the district health officer to task over the lack of sanitisation at the hospital.


“Nothing is right in the hospital. There is lack of coordination between the officials here. The ICU does not look like one. Relatives of patients are allowed inside the hospital and they dry clothes on the bed. I am confused whether this is a hospital or a fair. I will not hesitate to bring out this truth,” Savadi remarked.

The District surgeon cited that a body was not moved from the ward as this was seen while Savadi was on the visit.

According to nurses 5 patients had died when Savadi visited the hospital. 2 bodies were moved to the mortuary while 3 were in the ward itself. The nurses say no action has been taken against the doctors and officers who are negligent in their attitude.

CM BS Yediyurpappa will be visiting Belagavi on Friday to take stock of the situation.

16 thoughts on “BIMS Director Dastikoppa sent on compulsory leave”

  1. Offical people & managment need to be taken on task & sack them. Check how much under table they have burried. Bhims has become worst then public toilet & no one took the responsblity of inside Poor people are suffering & pvt hospitals are taking advantage of this condition. Dy CM savadi sir people who have guilty of bhims should be booked. Regards

  2. So this is the reason for the common mans misery.
    The CM is coming here on friday.
    That’s why the extra day of lockdown.
    Rather than be clear and TRUTHFUL we get lies upon lies upon lies.
    For Gods sake people remember this come the next elections and remember that NOTA is ALWAYS an option!!!

  3. Kill those killer”s, murders.Those doctors, are not the doctors,they are killing innocents.These, incidents are preplaned from central govt to state government.Their swab test or rapid test result are “not the genuine”they are just killing innocents.

    • The appointment of Dr dastikoppa itself is illegal ..and another doctor Sachin Patil along with 7 nurses are involved in this scandal

  4. “There is no USE of Crying over Split Milk”—–Its a Famous Proverb which i used to hear since my Childhood,,and this applies Exactly to the current situation…

  5. All those who are suspended will be back by paying “under the table” fines, they paid huge money to get the postings, they will pay some more to revoke the suspensions.
    Btw this occurs irrespective of bjp, cong, jd-s or any other political party.

  6. Why not termination , why compulsory leave , he will enjoy holidays with our tax money anyways his salary is just enough for his drinks , his actual
    Salary is bribes in lakhs or crore who knows,

    • It is very easy to comment, this type situation has not been seen by any one of us in our life time. There is no SOP (standard Operating Procedure) to handle a situation like this.
      Starting from legislative level to down functional level all people are facing a war like situation, where things are dynamic and unpredictable..
      The front line staff are risking their and their families life and doing their best.

      It would be apt for people to form a group of volunteers and assist the Govt Hospital staff in maintaining the cleanliness. rather than commenting on overstressed staff. Please remember it has been more than a year that they going through this stress.

      I know it is easy to say staff is paid for this work by our taxes, in present Pandemic scenario it would be like saying. “ our soldiers are paid for giving their life”.
      Every one is doing their best in given scenario, rolling few heads hear and their is not a solution, it is important to go into depth to find out why things are not as expected and leaders should give solutions and we as public contribute our bit., rather than commenting on personal level.
      Recently some one donated 50 lac worth of medical supplies to Govt hospital and did not want his name to be mentioned.

    • “Who knows”.. Proves the point that you don’t. So, kindly before making such biased comments on a non delinquent situation like this think twice. You don’t know the half of what actually goes down in the hospitals, neither are you aware of how many hours the man puts on his Hospital duties. A position like this demands a 24/7 attention towards the working of a hospital (Surgeries rostered to him and general functioning of the hospital as a whole) . It happens to be one of the biggest medical association in the city of Belgaum and he’s doing his best to run it as smooth as possible and coming to talk about his “Drinks” you can’t pass a comment on it till the time you’ve sat with him for one and paid for it from your own pocket. He’s been a doctor for good 30 odd years and I doubt your tax money has been paying for his lifestyle. It’s this very uncouth behaviour of the people of our country which is making Doctors not work at their best potential and coercing them to look out for better options in other countries

  7. Most of the Directors of Government run medical colleges are in efficient and corrupt
    They are like pawns in the hands of corrupt politicians
    Needs overhauling
    Efficient people should be selected and posted as Directors instead of seniority

    • Given a chance will you be able to work efficiently you are also so called a doctor it’s very easy to comment on some one who is working come and step in to his shoes and then write such comments shame

    • Sir,
      It iis easy to comment and make Generalised statement. Calling whole system corrupt.

      Please be a part of change, come forward take a step and prove you are different, country needs Dr like you,

      Mistakes are made by person who works. A person who does not work will never make mistakes, I suppose he feels he has all the right to comment on person working and doing their best and some times makes mistakes. As no one is 100% perfect.

      If you look back in history there are many people who have made difference to system being in system.

      There is a saying to clean the gutters you need to get into gutters.


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