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Citizens for Society-First Clean Zone Project

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cfscd2The NGO “Citizens for Society” in association with the Belgaum Municipal Corporation launched the Clean Zone Project at Deshmukh Road, Tilakwadi. The project was formally inaugurated by Dr. Satish Potdar, the Head of the Health Department at the Belgaum Municipal Corporation and Shri. R.D. Shanbag. Members of a senior citizens organization were also present.

Under the Clean Zone Project, Deshmukh Road has been selected for implementation of an organized waste disposal program which includes prohibition of the throwing of waste in the region and the segregation of the waste prior to disposal.

Over 50 members of the NGO, Citizens for Society participated in the rally which involved talking to residents and commercial establishment owners on Deshmukh Road to generate awareness and to understand their trash disposal issues. The Belgaum Municipal Corporation has put into place a well organized trash collection system to help the cause and the same was conveyed to shop owners. The people in the region welcomed the move and promised full cooperation in the project which is to be implemented over the coming month.cfscd1

In order to ensure compliance to the set rules and an effective execution of the project, the members of Citizens for Society and the Municipal Corporation will interact with people in the said area on a daily basis.

The Citizens for Society is dedicated to “Educating for Change” and conducts academic developmental programs in 3 vernacular medium schools in Belgaum. The Clean Zone Project is part of their commitment to educate society at large on issues pertaining to civic discipline.

The organization seeks to reach out to other individuals to help the cause and interested citizens are requested to contact 09611313919 or email to [email protected].

1 thought on “Citizens for Society-First Clean Zone Project”

  1. “Educating for Change” is Good step. I think its time to educate people about there basic Rights. i.e Good infrastructure & sufficient supply of drinking Water to every citizen. Unfortunately we have adopted Adjusting nature towards every worst situation, & this weakness of citizens was utilizing by our Politicians & Administration. The roads of Belgaum are worst than rural areas. But every progress work is taking place in Documents. If we want to change our city we must change our attitude of tolerance, Insted of Adjusting we should adopted Protesting nature. Its Time to think…..


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