City-based Abhinav Commerce Class launches E-Learning initiative

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E-learning enables one to quickly create and communicate new ideas and concepts and gives the students the freedom to learn at their own convenience & at a pace that is right for them. E-learning shouldn’t be a casual joy ride on a Sunday afternoon with the cruise control engaged. The sole purpose of e-learning is to teach or learn. E-learning is self-directed, allowing students to choose content & tools appropriately to their differing interests, needs & skill levels.

Initiated in the year 1997-1998, Abhinav Commerce Classes was built on an optimist view to provide high standard education and now has ventured into the E-Learning with its E-Classroom.

Speaking to AAB, Sagar Patnekar of Abhinav Commerce Class said this is a new concept where all the Videos are stored online and offline as well which can be accessed without the Internet. With over 200 + Videos covering the entire range of subjects in the Commerce stream with chapter wise coverage of the syllabus for PUC 1 and 2, B Com, BBA and also Accounting and Statistics for the Non-Commerce background students.

Technology can make a big impact in making learning more engaging for students. The use of technology in education introduces a whole new dimension to the way we learn and are taught and these series of videos are just one avenue we have launched added Sagar.

The Initiative has taken more than 2 years and today the same has been launched and encapsulates 7+ courses | 12+ subjects | 100+ chapters | 500+ videos.

Sagar further added, after a lot of learning on how to make videos it took us almost two years to come at this state and launch the same. All the shooting, editing has been done locally. And these videos can be accessed by anyone after paying the fees which will make it accessible to the rural areas as well which may not have access to good and very qualified teaching staff.

I just hope with more and more use of smartphones this initiative will help the students learn and get their doubts clarified.

They have launched an Android App as well- Abhinav Classes – The Learning App or one can visit their website for further details.

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