RASTR, the Rashtrottan Sankalp Trust started to monitor the Activities of Municipal Reforms Cell under the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA) in 2011 to see that the World Bank (WB) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded projects to create websites for all 213 Urban local Bodies (ULBs) / Municipalities in Karnataka.
Their audit in mid-2011 exposed negligence by the govt. agencies and attempts to thwart progressive measures for Transparency and Accountability in Local Administration. Even after lapse of 7 years of start of these projects and spending of hundreds of crores of rupees, the municipal websites are not updated with mandatory information.
Responding to the report, MRC has issued a very comprehensive Circular to all 213 Municipalities in the state to upload all information in a time bound manner on to their respective websites. This is a landmark development to bring in transparency and accountability in local administration through e-governance. Some of the important information that must be uploaded compulsorily on the website include:
Declarations under Sec. 4.1.a & 4.1.b of the RTI Act 2005
Proceedings (MoMs) of Municipal Council Proceedings
Details of all Contracts/Tenders
Details of Street Lighting, Water Supply to wards, Solid waste management, etc.
Grants to people
Parks & Lakes upkeep
Roads and their maintenance works
Name and Contact of the official responsible for updating each webpage & date of updation
Most of this is being followed by the Belgaum city corporation website but not all of the above.
how long wil they be alive site after couple months all sites wil dead as ever