Pay AUTOS by Meter from this Gandhi Jayanti

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By uday


The Sakal in its paper today has reported this.

All the papers have Praveen Shintre news as its headlines with pictures of him being shot.

But a story, which caught my eye, was this story on Auto fares in the Sakal.
Minimum fare Rs.12, All autos will have digital meters.
Two Auto rikshaw associations have given their consent for the same. In a meeting held yesterday the Dist.commissioner the rikshaw associations and the Nagrik Hitrakshana Samiti the said was decided over.
Arrangements have been made for the implementation of the same the RTO officers said. The Association of the physically handicapped will manage the Pre paid booth at the Railway station and they will get a service charge of Rs.1. On the same grounds another pre paid booth will be operational on the city bus terminus also.

In my blog, earlier on Wednesday, August 29, 2007 with heading Auto: Kitna Lega I had mentioned about this auto fares and now here we have news. We hope this time at least this will be true and we could now travel by auto by seeing the meter.

Hope this is not a dream and hence forth we wont ask Kitna Lega.

1 thought on “Pay AUTOS by Meter from this Gandhi Jayanti”

  1. It’s a good news ….. and thanks to Uday for updating timely on this blog. Its not blog anymore for me,its a News Paper. Every day i started checking for news updates. Thanks again Uday.


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