Corporation only puts up Flex boards at Circles Where are the Rules ?

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In November 2013, the city corporation had released a statement saying that no Advertisement hoardings of any nature be put at the following circles: Rani Chennamma Circle, Krishnadevraya Circle, Sangolli Rayana Circle, Dharmveer Sambhaji Circle, Basveshwar Circle. Display of Ad boards in the above mentioned circles is prohibited and anyone who is found not adhering to this will have to face punishment according to law.

In December 2014, before the Assembly session after the Lokayukta order all such boards were removed but now again they re appear to disfigure the public places.

Acting against its own order the Belagavi city corporation has put up Hoarding at Dharmveer Sambahji Circle of Swach Sarvekshana 2018.

Next to this on the grill of a transformer we could also see a Polio drive Flex banner which is again not permitted.

bogarves-flexAs per the order no flex boards can be put up here as it has been declared as flex free Zone. On Tuesday the city Corporation fined many persons for putting flex and also advertisement announcements being made without permission from an Auto.

According to the act, Any disfigurement of public place is an offense under the Karnataka Open places (Prevention of Disfigurement) act 1981, hence the commissioner has been instructed to strictly abide by said rules and see to it that no such unauthorized hoardings/Banners/Flex come up gain at public places.

So will the City corporation fine it self or has the rules been relaxed for Govt schemes? 

2 thoughts on “Corporation only puts up Flex boards at Circles Where are the Rules ?”

  1. Here I have to share one more point that the MATTER that flex adviertisment asked to do the Public by the CCB., is also not taken care, as the CCB workers not collect wet garbage’s in one basket and dry in another basket. Dispte the public sorted. Who is the answerable for such act. Thanks for your post with best wishes.

  2. There a some garbage collector who never come and some who come n just pass by without collecting the garbage they do not give their signal that the r there such that people can give there garbage this is just not done. If any complaint given no action is taken.this is disgusting where do people complain that action must be taken if this is the case for such small things then Belgaum will Neva grow


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