After the post, Belagavi is ignored always: be it any party, MLA Abhay Patil has released a video in which he has promised to meet Chief minister Bommai on in the coming week and see that Belagavi is part of all the developmental projects.
But this is nothing new, last year during the Winter session a delegation from the Chamber of industries and others met the same Chief minister and appraised him of what Belagavi needs.
It looks like it was just an eye wash, nobody knows.
On Dec 22, 2021, office bearers of The Belgaum Chamber of Commerce and Industries (BCCI) along with those of Belgaum District Small Scale Industries Association, Belgaum Foundry Cluster, Institute of Indian Foundrymen Belgaum Chapter and Members of the Industrial fraternity attended the Interaction meeting arranged by Hon’ble MLA Shri Abhay Patil with Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri Basavaraj Bommai, Large & Medium Scale Industry Minister Shri Murugesh Nirani, Labour Minister Shri Shivram Hebbar, Shri Byarati Basavaraja, Hon’ble Minister for Urban Development and Industry related Government officials to understand the problems faced by MSMEs of Belagavi and discuss the suggestions for Industrial growth of Belagavi District.
On this occasion, BCCI President Shri Rohan Juvali submitted the memorandum to the Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri Basavaraj Bommai ji, and Shri Murugesh Nirani ji & Shri Abhay Patil ji, Hon’ble MLA Belagavi South Constituency, regarding the problems faced by the industries which are mentioned below:
1) Infrastructure & Government Policies
a) Five Star Infrastructure Facilities for Udyambag, Machhe, Autonagar & Honga Industrial Estate as it comprises more than 90% Exporters.
b) In alignment with the beyond Bangalore initiate we request you to consider 25 Years Investment holiday in Bengaluru and surrounding to ethical distribute the investments in the rest of Districts of Karnataka and thus create more engines of growth.
c) Most of the Industries in Belagavi are Medium and Small Scale Industries. Government should plan Industrial estates connected with the Ring-road or By-pass road. And provide Land, power supply and communication facility at reasonable price
d) Dedicated Industry zone for foundries, no residential sites to be allowed within 10km except for basic amenities
e) Invite PSU companies & Big public Sector Like Automobile, Pharmaceuticals, IT, Earth Moving, Agri Products to Belagavi for Employment Creations
f) To provide Maximum 50% Subsidy to new Entrepreneurs and for Upgradation of Existing Units.
g) Pending Subsidies to be released on a priority basis, will be of great help to the MSME’s.
2) Karnataka State Pollution Control Board: –
a) Presently Karnataka State Pollution Control Board charging consent fees on total capital Investment & in October 2021 was increased to almost double the existing fees. This has become a burden to the Industries.
We therefore request to kindly amend the basis and charge the Consent fees based on the value of Polluting Equipments.
b) Central Government has amended the MSME Definition but the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board is following the Earlier Definition. This has to be amended in Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, so that the present Consent fee structure issue can be resolved. All Departments are following the Central Government MSME categorization except for the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board.
3) ESIC:-
a) Providing of ESI Hospital in Udyambag Area. – Udyambag & Machhe Industrial sector having Medium & Small scale Industries (nearly around 1500 companies) and approx. more than 55,000 workers working presently.
b) The ESI hospital at Ashok Nagar is far away from Udyambag. It is very difficult to manage the Medical Assistance to the Employees during emergency and Administrative aspects are time consuming for the workers.
c) Setting up of Divisional Office of ESIC at Belagavi.
4) Water :-
a) Udyambag Industrial Estate’s long pending Water issue should be closed.
After discussion Chief Minister Shri Basavaraj Bommai ji promised the following actions:
a) New Foundry Park over 500 acres land to be developed in Belagavi District, including 100 acres earmarked for Hydraulics and Manufacturing Industries.
b) Karnataka State Pollution Control Board Fee Structure will be simplified and reduced and implementation of MSME Definition by Govt. of India will be imposed for categorization.
c) Pending water Charges issue of Angol Industrial Estate & Udyambag Industrial area will be discussed with the concerned Minister and KUWS Department and resolve the issue.
d) Between Belagavi and Dharwad an Industrial corridor will be established for the growth of MSMEs.
e) Regarding ESIC Hospital Shri Basavraj Bommai ji and Shri Shivram Hebbar ji Labour Minister Declared that ESIC Hospital will be constructed on the land of 5 acres Proposed by Shri Abhay Patil ji. Hon’ble MLA Belagavi South Constituency. and Ashok Nagar Hospital will be demolished and this land will be utilized for Divisional / Sub Regional office of ESIC.
So this time again the same memorandum can be shared with the minister or may be we could add a few more things which we have lost due to the ignorance of the bureaucracy who feel Belagavi is only for holding a session where nothing happens and only crores of money is spent.
May good sense prevail and something positive come out.
God Bless Belagavi.