DELTASYS E FORMING Delivers concrete 3D printer to IIT Bombay

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DELTASYS E FORMING Developer and Manufacturer of 3D printing machines from Belagavi have delivered its indigenously developed concrete 3D printer to Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. SEMT Lab Department of Civil Engineering.

DELTASYS E FORMING is Hard-core Machine Developer and Manufacturer situated in Belagavi Karnataka. The company develops all kinds of 3D printing machines such FDM, DLP, High-performance FDM, Large FDM, Pellet extrusion technology, Composite 3D printer, Clay 3D printers and Now Concrete 3D printer.

3d printer

In the concrete 3D printers, the company can build Big gantry systems as well as robotic arms.

Right now the company is making a Big gantry concrete 3d printer for one multinational construction company from India which can build 4storey buildings.

The company is working with all major research institutions of India to develop indigenous 3D printing technology in India.

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