The devastation of Khade Bazar in the name removal of encroachment is this fair ?
We live in a smart city where old trees are cut for parking , then we complain there is no shade and then there are droughts for which we beg for money. Trees are the lungs of this city we have to stop murdering our own future.
How many plants did the city corporation plant. How did the forest department give permission to cut these trees which are absolutely healthy and not causing only obstruction add they are on the sides of the road.
Corporation says they have got the clearances from Forest officials to cut the trees, but they should have realized that the same were planted under the Green City campaign a few years ago.
The main motto behind the cutting is according to the Corporation is it was a hindrance to the smooth flow of traffic; Really ?
Trees on Khanaur Road were cut; were new Trees planted in REAL, (on paper they must have been planted).
Dr.Madhav Prabhu said, Â I think people are missing the plot , master plan was done here, the yes were not obstructing , it’s the traffic and the hawkers that cause congestion. People who claim these were ornamental trees and have short lives should plant some and see if it’s worth or not. Now the development in Khade bazar is that the width remains same , the hawkers continue , the only difference is that there is no shade .
Jay Gulabani said – The problem is the hawkers in Khade Bazar ; and yes , for political reasons , they’re supported by the MLA of that area , trust me I know what’s the position there as I work there . Inspite of several complaints to the corporation , there is no action from their end , & we got to know this after inquiring with them as we know them well . It’s very sad what they do for political gains n personal interest .
” Apna Kaam Bantaa , Bhaad Mein Jaaye Janta “
Thanks, great article.
No hawkers shall be allowed to stand on any roads,hawker zone to be made
and no pity on them as they earn daily 500 to 600 on daily basis they take plots they build homes
and private employees earn less than half of their income
and its very true
Hawkers in khade bazaar, Ganpat galli, Auto drivers near bus stand are the great vote bankers for our MLA 🙂
Very Sad Situation Indeed !!!!!! Jan M. Shaikh.
Absolutely heart breaking. I am I Pune and seen people of Pune protesting and winning big time when Pune municipal tried such stunts. People of Belgaum please do some thing.