Even I was a Road once – Mandoli Road 

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By editor

The Mandoli road was one of the first roads to be converted into a Smart road along with the KPTCL road.
But even after 2 years now the contractor NARENDRA CHUNILAL PANANI ( PRIME CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURES PVT. LTD. ) has not completed the Mandoli road, forget completing there is no road now on which one can commute safely. 

On Mar 16, 2019, the Belagavi Smart city Limited a works update in which it was stated – Mandoli Road work Update – Ducting: 730 Mtrs completed, Drain 80% completed, Footpath and road work under progress

If you see the photos along with this post you hardly will believe anything.
All the residents of Bhavani Nagar, Mandoli, Godsewadi, etc are facing a tough time driving through the pothole-laden road with mud and sludge. 

Small and minor accidents are common as a new one on the road slips off.
Minister of Urban Development did visit a few sites today but he wasn’t brought to Mandoli Road, maybe the BSCL aptly knew where to take the minister to show the thook polish done.
Now the citizens themselves will have to manage this menace. 

Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.
The citizens will have to collectively come out and protest as we believe the thick-skinned administration is not aware of this and may be in the books the road is complete.
So, Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.

1 thought on “Even I was a Road once – Mandoli Road ”

  1. I have a house in Ayodhya nagar and mandoli road is the the only road thru which we travel. On 1st Nov at about 11 pm, my Uncle – Daulat Devale, was returning from work on a cycle and he slipped and fell in one of the excavation which had steel bars protruding upside and as he fell on rod struck on his head and he died instantly meeting with a n untimely tragic death due to sheer negligence and sheer lack of any responsibility in completing the project or to at least put some safety measures in place. The Contractor NARENDRA CHUNILAL PANANI ( PRIME CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURES PVT. LTD. ) and the Belagavi Smart city Limited along with the Urban development Department is fully responsible for this loss of life of a 64 year man who was also a sole bread earner of the family. The Family is devastated on his tragic death due to no fault of his.
    Dear Editor, as you have rightly said all the residents and people affected because of this under construction road should rise and demand compensation to the family and a target based completion of the road works with all the safety norms in position or if the depts don’t agree, all people can come forward and cut off the steel bar rods and close of refill back all the excavations, level off the road and make it safe. All people can contribute to this cause. It is real a shame that just a 5 km stretch of road is taking 3 years and still not completed. Some people who have brought a stay, on the project can also join in . We don’t want a beautiful concert road and beautification, we just want a small level tar road without any pot holes . which can make our every day travel smooth without any accidents.
    Its time that a non-co-operation movement be launched soon to take these govt and Contractor people to task. An FIR has been filed and let the law take action on these irresponsible people and all of us should pursue this case seriously. A request Editor sab to bring this issue to fore front, get media to project this negligence on to all people across the city , state and the country.
    In the name of Smart City Development these people from related agencies are creating nuisance, wasting Govt money and killing innocent people.


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