Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service officer appointed as Smart City MD

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By editor

Shireen Nadaf a Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service officer has been appointed as the Managing director of the Belagavi Smart city Ltd (BSCL). The special purpose vehicle in charge of all the development under the smart city project, reports the Sakal.

While making the said appointment either it was an IAS rank cadre officer or KAS senior rank cadre who was appointed as the MD of a smart city project.

Mulihan, Ziaullah both were IAS rank officers who have served as MD of BSCL. Then Sashidhar Kurer a KAS senior grade officer has also served as MD for some time.

The Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service officer is normally appointed in Town Municipality or Town Panchayat as officers.

When Mr.Ziaullah was appointed as MD of BSCL, the appointment stated that the Grade has been upgraded to Senior IAS cadre, but now a KMAS officer has been appointed as MD of Smart city which is astonishing.

Sashidhar Kurer who has been transferred from Belagavi city Corporation and was not allocated any new post was the front runner for the post of the MD, BSCL.

On 16-05-2016 the Govt of Karnataka had approved that the Commissioner of Belagavi City Corporation would be the MD of the Smart city Project.

4 thoughts on “Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service officer appointed as Smart City MD”

  1. The only things the nitezins need of the hour is please don’t use our hard earned money paid taxes to no use. We pay the tax use are money to the enhancements of the city and people’s need we expect that. Postings are not that important what will remain is the work u do for the people that will be everlasting and that’s how people remember the person who have the best for the city.

    • Yes it’s a perfect request and we all stand by it. People’s tax paid money has to be uses for the betterment of the City and facilities required for the people.

  2. Hi editor.. do you have any information about where to complaint about new drainage chamber issues to? I tried with janahita service but it doesn’t work… Ever since the new chamber connection in 2017, those people work thier poor work have damaged my drainage pipeline on tbe middle of the road.. the municipality says it private work so we won’t dig the road.. we wasted around 2-3 k knowing that it’s not our problem… I need help

  3. No matter who gets appointed Smart City is in a chaos! Seems like no one has interest in developing the city with good conscience! No coordinated project handling. Finger pointing at each other departments instead of finding solutions to the problems. Sit in their appointed positions and all they have learned to say is THAT IS NOT MY JOB. Only job they acquire is their name, their fame , big fat cheque, and bribe. Belgavi citizens have the power to stop this nonsense, stop them wasting taxpayer’s money.


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