Fire fighting bikes in Belgaum soon

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Fire fighting is a very decisive job that involves reaching the spot on fire at short notice and tackling the fire with the correct substance. Commonly seen are the Red Big fire brigade trucks which zoom past when there is a fire call. But due to its size it has some limitations and most of the time cannot reach the place of fire due to small alleys and crowded roads. bullet-firebrigade-belgaumbullet-firebrigade-belgaum

To overcome all this, the Fire fighting Bullet bikes will be inducted into the Belgaum fire brigade in some time. These fire fighting motorcycles called Rapid Response Motorcycles which can be used to negotiate narrow streets and lanes.
The fire fighting motorcycles are basically Royal Enfield Electra motorcycles which are fitted with Compressed Air Foam (CAF) and a water system. The bikes are also equipped with a first aid box to give primary medication to victims suffering severe burns.

3 thoughts on “Fire fighting bikes in Belgaum soon”

  1. Thats great and appears very promising. I Think this is the first of its kind in india, never heard about fire fighting bikes ! All the best !!


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