Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Monday announced a slew of measures and allocations in the state Budget. For the next fiscal, total receipts are estimated at Rs 2.43 lakh crore. Total expenditure is set to be Rs 2.46 lakh crore, while the revenue deficit is set at Rs 15,134 crore.
Construction of ring road in Belagavi city; action to provide 50% of the land acquisition cost amounting to Rs.140 crore by the State Government
Grant of Rs.463 crore from State Government for the 73 km long new railway line between Dharwad-Kittur-Belagavi
A grant of Rs.50 crore to Kitturu Development Authority, for various development works and tourism facilities in the premises of Kitturu Fort.
The Automated driving test tracks in Belagavi to be Inaugurated.
Establishment of water testing laboratory
Development of a manure unit in Belagavi City corporation
Smart handloom design studio in North Karantaka
Clean housing learning center in Belagavi
Upgradation of regional food safety laboratories of Belagavi
All Karnataka districts will have a ‘gaushala’
ICUs of 25 bed and 6-bed capacities will be established in 19 districts and 100 taluk hospitals, respectively, at a cost of Rs 60 crore over the next two years.
Good News Sir !!! All For the Welfare of the citizens of Belagavi and may these projects be completed in real earnest by the Government…A.E A.P………