Grades are not important but Knowledge is

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As the first phase of an academic year is about to end, I am sure all parents will connect with the idea that their kids were not alone in this journey but many in family have ended up sacrificing; some sacrificed their favorite serial, some missed the latest movie, some missed the navaratri sessions of dandiya and some had to put the guests on hold for post diwali visit. Sad but true that most of the parents are considering these exams to be a parameter to decide and judge the intelligence of their child. A performance scale is engraved and anything below this is highly unacceptable.

Just a food for thought did we study the same way as our kids do today? Were our imaginations restricted only to smart boards and 10 x 10 class rooms? Our grandparents studied while gazing the open sky, are we better off with intellectuals when compared to them? Have the facilities enriched our knowledge? Sadly no and in fact we are ending up restricting the future generations only to numbers that are already invented or words the dictionary already possess. We are restricting their knowledge only to what is shown to them and what the resource material provides. We are unintentionally limiting their imagination, blocking their thoughts, restricting their ideas, which means there will be very little to no inventions going forward and there will be less likelihood that Newton’s law will be ever challenged for generations to come.

Its high time parents also emphasize on sports, creativity and fun learning activities to bring out the best in their wards. While there are so many camps and activities that come up during vacations Science Hack Day is a unique two day event that encourages “Do it yourself” culture.

When at home you do not want your child to get their hands dirty or risk with something you are not confident about or probably with the growing culture where both the parents are working it is extremely difficult to find time, sit with the kids and get their creativity at its best. Hence some enthusiasts in Belagavi initiated a thought to have a common space to create, collaborate and connect to learn and hence Makerspace Belagavi was born. This is a space where you need to get your hands dirty to learn, you need not be super knowledgeable, importantly you need not be from science stream, this community welcomes people with open arms irrespective to age, profession, qualification. Science Hack Day India-2016 was reason for these enthusiasts to come together and get connected for one good reason and that is to “LEARN”.

Science Hack Day India-2017 is scheduled on October 14th and 15th again in Belagavi @ Sankalp Bhoomi, this time with greater energy to ensure kids do not relate science to physics, biology, or chemistry alone but feel science in all their day to day activity, relate to definitions and reproduce not by mugging up but after thorough understanding. Most of the experiences are promised to be cherished as lifetime memories.

Science Hack Day India belagaviLet’s make these words of Gandhiji a reality of today… “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”

Join the team of Makerspace Belagavi and help encourage practical education system.

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