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High Court dismisses petition for Building of SUVARNA VIDHANA SOUDHA at Vaccine depot

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The High Court on Tuesday dismissed the writ petition filed by S B Hundre, vicepresident of the Social Justice Forum, asking for the construction of Suvarna Vidhana Soudha to be stopped at the proposed site.

The government has been planning to construct Suvarna Vidhana Soudha on the premises of Vaccine Depot at Tilakwadi in Belgaum district after a committee consisting of the Legislative Assembly Speaker, Legislative Council Chairman and the Law and Parliamentary Affairs Minister visited the site and approved the proposal.
The proposed site is a thick forest that hosts several rare plants, reptiles and wild animals. Hundre filed a writ petition requesting the HC to stop the construction of Suvarna Vidhana Soudha at the proposed site.

This blog has been a forerunner in spreading awareness about saving the Vaccine Depot. Various posts were made to know about earlier posts read the following:

I am retreating a fact again that we are not against building of the Suvarna Soudha, we want it to be built in Belgaum but not in Vaccine Depot, Thats our only stand.

3 thoughts on “High Court dismisses petition for Building of SUVARNA VIDHANA SOUDHA at Vaccine depot”

  1. It is very sad to know the Highcourt decision. Whole world is worried about global warming due to environmental conditions,and as usual KAR-NATAK Govt is performing their drama, which is spoiling the green Belgaum as well as creating trouble to peaceful civilians especially senior citizens by constructing the vidhan soudh.

    Another issue is that it will be creation of separate state as it is happening in Maharashtra as VIDHARBH.


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