Hindu organizations protest against the violence in Miraj and Sangli

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bajrangdal_protest1bajrangdal_protest2Various pro Hindu organizations like the Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena etc gathered today at Chennama circle and gave a memorandum to the DC demanding that the Ganpati’s in the two cities must be immersed first and all the persons arrested should be released. If the Maharsahtra Govt. did not do the same a call for Belgaum bandh will be given.

3 thoughts on “Hindu organizations protest against the violence in Miraj and Sangli”

  1. Again the hell.

    some body is fighting for there cause n if it not happening they wanna call belgaum bandh.

    what every one thinks of belgaum ha? is it hanuman temple Ganta, such that every one comes n knocks it for there problem?

    did miraj n sangli were on bandh when belgaum was suffering from the same issue in 1999,2002 etc?


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