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Love Dale School Belagavi

Hotels, clubs can remain open till 1 a.m. on New Year’s Day in Belagavi

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By editor

Hotels, recreational clubs, resorts, bars and restaurants, are allowed to remain open till 1 a.m. for New Year celebrations. Last year permission was given for celebrations until 12.30 AM only.

The police have issued under Section 31 (w) of the Karnataka Police Act 1963. However the permission has been granted subject to certain conditions.

The management of these establishments should obtain required permission from the Excise Department, for serving liquor beyond the stipulated period, i.e. till 1 a.m. on January 1, 2018.

hnyThe establishments should maintain public order and not create nuisance to individuals and public at large by playing loud music etc.

Most of the hotels have made lavish preparations for the celebrations of the new year. From small hotels to the Star ones each one has geared up for the occasion.

This is the most important rule of all for having a safe New Year’s Eve. If you’ve had anything to drink, don’t get behind the wheel no matter what.

1 thought on “Hotels, clubs can remain open till 1 a.m. on New Year’s Day in Belagavi”

  1. Are the hotels in Belgaum safe? Or is there a tragedy waiting to happen just like what happened in Mumbai recently? Are all safety norms followed? Some of the hotels in the city are located in such congested locations that there is hardly any passage for the persons to move, leave alone the firetruck to maneuver in the event of a fire accident. Do they have working fire extinguishers in place with trained personal to operate them? Is there a proper fire exit route in the event of a fire? It’s high time the authorities concerned make a reality check not only on small establishments but also the big and reputed ones.


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