Doctorate to Prof Datta Kamakar for his thesis Pricing of Indian Creative Paintings

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Noted painter and professor of economics, Datta B.Kamakar has been awarded with a Doctorate degree by the Rani Chennamma University recently for his thesis Pricing of Indian Creative Paintings: A Study of Painting Market in Mumbai City.

Speaking to AAB, Kamakar said,

The research is fusion in itself; which combines both Economics science and Fine Art into one single unit i.e. Economics of Fine Arts, which is unexplored area of study in the field of academics. The present research examine the forces determining painting prices and their relative influence, the art infrastructure and environment in Mumbai City and Maharashtra in particular, and Indian painting market in general.

datta-kamakarSumming up Kamakar further said,
The research concludes that the pricing of a painting is arbitrary game wherein the Exogenous forces dominate over Endogenous forces of the paintings. It is found that the Mumbai and Maharashtra have laid fairly good network of fine art infrastructure and created art environment in the country. The research justifies, how paintings play important role in promoting Socio-Economic wealth and wellbeing of the people in the society. Further, the study underlines the future scope for research in economics of music, sculpture, and sports.

In 2013, he registered for research “Pricing of Indian Creative Paintings: A Study of Painting Market in Mumbai City” topic in Rani Channamaa University, Belagavi. He carried the research project under the guidance of Dr. S.S.Masali, the retired Principal of KLE’s Lingraj College, Belagavi- the research center of Rani Channamaa University, Belagavi.

Further, he received ‘Teacher Fellowship Award’ (study leave) for a period of Two years between 2015 and 2017 from University Grant Commission (UGC), Bangalore to carry on the research project. He was awarded teacher fellowship under the scheme of Faculty Development Programmer (FIP) of UGC., XIIth Plan. And he was awarded with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on 13th December 2017.

Kamakar who is a MA in Economics joined KLS’s Gogte College of Commerce, Belagavi in the year 1993 as Part-Time lecturer a is currently working as assistant professor in Economics in the same college.

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