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How to pay Property tax online in Belagavi

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The civic authorities always have a cash crunch and this year due to the pandemic not many have paid their property tax.
Now the City Corporation Belagavi has made special teams who will be visiting each home/shop to know if the property tax has been paid and will ensure 100% payment.

Payment can be done on Paytm or

Procedure to make payment of Property tax online in Belagavi

Go to (Payment only by Credit/Debit/Internet Banking)

Click on Online Services


Enter the PID and click the search button to get Form 1 and then make payment online.

If you don’t know your PID then use search by criteria i.e. your Ward No, Old Assessment No, New Assessment No, Owner name OR Mobile No. then Click Search button you will get the property details

Click on the View link to see your complete property tax details

Please Download the Challan before Proceeding for Payment, as once payment is made Challan is not possible to be viewed again.

Even if you find your name but when you click VIEW, the PAY TAX link is not activated on the screen you will have to approach the ward clerk to get the Challan.

Click on Get Form-2 OR View Tax & Pay in next page to proceed with online payment

Please download OR print acknowledgment on successful property tax online payment

In case of any issues with payment or receipt non-generation after payment please mail to [email protected]

12 thoughts on “How to pay Property tax online in Belagavi”

  1. I understand cash crunch. I understand money is important for governance by Corporation. But why ask all? This is not fair to those who have paid Taxes to again be questioned whether or not I have paid. I lost advantage of having paid early.
    Corporation has all data of those who have paid Taxes with ward number, property number etc. Why not.check the data? Why not ask only those who have paid? Inspite of paying my taxes, the onus to prove that I have paid still lies on me just because Corporation does not want to do the exercise.
    How fair is this?

  2. Law abiding citizens pay taxes regularly. what about those who have illegally occupied govt property, running businesses on govt property without proper licences?….no official asks them. They carry on their businesses without any fear of law, govt., rules,….I am knowing a person running his cycle business beside our house on govt property, he used to run his business besides road for some 20 years now and now that road is widened he has shifted his shop next to our house. i know he has no proper trade license for his shop. i even doubt that some KEB officials are with him because how come they have given him electricity connection without proper papers !!!, god knows….

    And i believe there will be many more such persons using govt property for their personal use and no taxes are paid and no one asks them……


  3. Continuation of earlier msg:

    I want to share some details about that person, who is running his flourishing business (earns more than 1000 rs daily) on govt property next to our house.

    @ he does not pay tax as he has no trade license and he is running his business on govt property on temple premises.

    @ he earns more than 1000 rs per day, so he should be paying taxes which he is not paying, and no one asks him.

    @ No water tax – he takes water directly from the overhead tank that has been set up for general public, he has made illegal water connection to that water tank and he and his family are happily enjoying water for free – again no tax, all free – no official asks him – some lower rung official visit his shop but they don’t ask him anything.

    @ Illegal electricity connection – i don’t understand how come KEB has given him connection because he has no paperwork to show and obtain legal connection. then two scenarios – 1. he has taken illegal electricity connection by colluding with KEB officials. 2. He is using noncommercial connection for his business, again by colluding with KEB officials.

    @ He is doing his business next to our house and disturbing peace surrounding our house, all types of low grade, drunkard people come to his shop and talk in abusive language, giving bad words, etc., very bad impact on my daughter, he has like taken all the peace from our house, feels like we are sitting in a market.

    So many illegal happenings around our house, I have complained many times but to no avail.

    If any corporation official is reading this msg, please retort back, will give details.

    Jai Hind.

  4. Website doesn’t work. I am trying since 3-4 days, it’s always a 404 error. What is the online alternative for property tax payment?


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