In the best interests of Belgaum

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By uday

by Sameer Majli

It is always a delight when effort bears fruit and when it works out in the best interests of society; it is more than just satisfying. All About Belgaum has been a regular showcase of the concerns of the citizens and it has been our duty and commitment to highlight issues that are a cause of inconvenience and trouble to each inhabitant of our wonderful city.

A few days ago, we had reported the sorry state of affairs of the road in front of Kaivalya Yoga Mandir and the fact that the members of the organization had submitted a letter of protest and appeal to the

Road near Kaivalya Yoga Mandir
Road near Kaivalya Yoga Mandir in the story posted on June 14, 2013

Commissioner. We at AAB had published the story and shared it on the Belgaum City Corporation page on Facebook. Just when we were beginning to think that the local authorities have gone silent on their online presence, there seems to be a ray of hope in this regard.

We are happy to inform everyone that the work pertaining to the road development and the construction of gutters for the said road has commenced and presently this appears to be in full swing. It is wonderful to see the authorities respond to a call and take necessary action.

Let us hope that this is just the beginning, that this task is accomplished in a worthy manner and that this is just the beginning of good times ahead for Belgaum.

While All About Belgaum does focus on the woes of the citizens, we also believe that development is a combined effort of the authorities, representatives, citizens and the media. When good happens, it is our bounden duty to report the same.

While the leading local newspaper and other media have been reporting and focusing on merely the inaction specific people in authority and of the people that formally hold the strings, we wish to bring to everyone’s notice even the good work being undertaken at the request of citizens. We hope that reports of this type are just the beginning of this productive partnership between the various factions that need to get together and develop an understanding if our good old Belgaum has to be as good as it should be…..or rather could be.kym11

We invite other readers to share such experiences since it would not be fair on anyone’s part to harp upon just the short comings and not the accomplishments.

Together, let’s make this place more wonderful than it has ever been before.

All About Belgaum is just a script of Belgaum and for Belgaum and when it comes to the question of our identity; we take great pride in not calling ourselves the media. We are far different and far beyond since we aspire to be the voice of Belgaum. We do our best to be just a representative of true and free journalism devoid of political/ religious/linguistic bias and pressures.

If it is in the best interests of Belgaum, only then is it truly “All About Belgaum”!!


About the Author: The Author is a regular writer for All About Belgaum, Placement and Training Officer at KLE Society Belgaum, Founder of the Social Initiative “Citizens for Society”,Career Counsellor and collects & presents programs on Old Hindi Songs


3 thoughts on “In the best interests of Belgaum”

  1. I am glad , netzian like Uday showcasing concerns and citizen becoming aware of their rights and surprisingly the govt local body is functioning,

  2. The latest condition of the road is worst. Ladies coming to yoga face a lot of problems to walk on the slippery road.


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