Independent Bus & cycle lane under smart city

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Belagavi is all set to get independent bus lanes and cycle tracks in various parts of the city under the smart city project.

MD of Belagavi Smart city ltd Sashidhar Kurer gave out this information to all the corporators in a meeting.

Sangolli Rayana Circle, Keerthi Hotel, Market Police station to CBT all will have a dedicated Bus lane with an expected budget of Rs.21 crore.

A trauma centre would be built at Dharmanath Circle.

Congress road, Chennamma Nagar, Bauxite Road, Hanuman Nagar will have a dedicated Cycle track which is expected to be built with a budget of 48 crores.

Government schools in the city will get Smartboards.
Kurer further added, already work on two smart roads is in progress, along with the heritage park work in Vaccine depot, command centre work is also satisfactory. 4 Smart bus shelters would be installed in a months time. Rainwater harvesting in parks will also be implemented. CBT building, primary health center, redevelopment of Kala Mandir etc will be taken up.

7 thoughts on “Independent Bus & cycle lane under smart city”

  1. Oh, come on!!!!! Please don’t try to show dreams to the innocent belgaumites, which will not turn into reality. Its but for sure, these developments will remain only on papers. Already, the people of BELAGAVI are in deep distress on account of the present condition of the roads all over the city. It seems thatThe railway over bridge near station will never complete. There are infinite problems. But we the citizens are to be blamed. We just post our frustration on the social media. We must make the life hell, of the officials, who are responsible for showing the HELL to belgaumites.
    Shall we do this friend!!!!

  2. Its a good thing that something is being planned as part of smart city. Appreciate the pace.

    Cycle tracks is a necessity. ?

    Dedicated bus tracks is also a smart thing but it would be smarter to upgrade the existing bus stops and the roads for our city.

  3. Mr. Kurer, talking about plans are easier than actually pursuing those plans to completion. Show us completed quality projects so we can believe in you for what you do not what you say..

  4. Everywhere road widening but corporation and cantonment forget to main road in the belgaum SANCHAYNI CIRCLE TO GOGTE CIRCLE, camp road widened first. all the way from globe to Petrol pump camp is very small road on both sides of the divider. Its a traffic hazard. they are making road in street area but they forget main road in the belgaum where traffic are more, I think because of political pressure. ramlingkhind galli, ramdev gali, very small small area where they are made master plan but y they are forget this road????? actual the road is required 120 feet because of current traffic in this road. our request is to please make the road 120 feet from SANCHAYNI CIRCLE TO GOGTE CIRCLE, camp.


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