Interaction with Dr. Mahadev Dixit from Belagavi

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Dr. Mahadev.D. Dixit is the Chief of Cardio Vascular Thoracic Surgeon at Aster CMI Hospital Bangalore. He has performed more than 20,000 open heart surgeries in his 30 years of astounding experience, in which 4000 were paediatric operations. He has been constantly involved in complex pediatric cardiac surgeries like Arterial switch procedures, Pulmonary conduits, Fonton procedure, Sennigs procedure, etc.

He is one of those very few doctors who operates on the entire spectrum of cardiac surgeries ranging from neonatal to transplants including Minimal Access surgeries. To his credit, he has also performed a neonatal cardiac surgery of a baby weighing 900 grams.

We spoke to him at Belagavi and tried to get to know more about how to avoid or prolong heart disease.


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