Karajol bats for extension of Lockdown in Belagavi in Video conference meet with CM

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In a Video conference meeting held with the CM District in-charge minister Govind Karajol has appealed for the extension of the lockdown in the district at least by one week as Belagavi district, is adjacent to the states of Goa and Maharashtra. The minister requested that the lockdown be extended for another week with the approval of some economic activities as the positivity rate is around 9 percent.

He spoke in a video conference on Thursday (June 10) with eight districts of the district, including Belagavi, on the management of Covid.

The lockdown should continue for another week, allowing for major activities such as automobile, building construction.

WhatsApp Image 2021 06 10 at 12.09.45 PM

Farming activity in the district has taken up pace and will be allowed. Ration and other arrangements have been made at the district level. Minister Karajol explained that a children’s hospital is also being prepared for possible third-wave management.

A total of 135 teams have been formed in the district and over 1300 villages have been tested for by Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)

District in-charge minister Govind Karajol tried to convince the chief minister that the lockdown should continue.

DC MG Hiremath said there are less than five talukas in the district which have a positivity rate of 10% and above.

“If we get another week, it will help reduce the positivity rate to below 5 per cent,” he said.

Positivity rate in RAT is less than 4%. But the rate of positivity was higher in the RT-PCR test.

“If we get another week, we can reduce the positivity rate,” the DC added.

6 thoughts on “Karajol bats for extension of Lockdown in Belagavi in Video conference meet with CM”

  1. It is a sensible decision but hope people should neglect coming out unnecessarily so that it will be conducive for the next mode of action and precautions for the third wave! And will Help Govt to maintain proper control over future mishaps!

  2. The minister is not bothered about locals. He hardly fights for vaccines allotment, Covid care centers, Oxygen supply for Belgaum. We should throw out such ministers who have no interest in district (he is elected from some other place)..
    It is very easy to sit a video conference and decide the fates of millions!

  3. The utter pillock.
    If Belgaum is a border district then reinforce the bloody borders!
    Keep all borders shut till your heart desires then open them slowly when you see fit.
    Instead of sitting in your mansion come out and visit the people. Start by going to the railway station and see how many homeless people are there sleeping on the streets and rushing to the boys that come with tea and biscuits for the needy. The same goes for the CM. You came here friday. Did you visit any of the common people that voted for you and put you in the position you are today? Most of the people are daily wage workers and all of your decisions are making them homeless. The people were your brothers and sisters when it was rally time but now we’re lowly filth? Is that it? Have compassion or at the very least fear God ffs!

  4. Yes continuing for another week is a good idea as there are too many people already coming out unnecessarily. Psychologically people are feeling stuck at home but staying back only because of the fear of breaking a rule. they will come out in hoards once the govt. imposed lockdown opens. Hence it is better to relax the essential services and give all help to the daily wage workers and migrant labourers, farmers and maintain strictness for unnecessary travel.

  5. Goong to be another tough week for people who are already struggling with daily meals and medical expenses…easy to extend lockdown as they will have people to arrange for them and family food and entertainment….also the onus is on people too who let their gaurd down by ignoring mask and distance..Politician got power by helding election in this pandemic….which was super spreader event. Bottom line common man suffers with lockdown or no lockdown.


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