Lakeview starts COVID care centre at Nehru Nagar

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There has been increasing number of Covid-19 patients being diagnosed in Belagavi district. As the Healthcare resources are limited and huge rise in the number of patients every day, a need for COVID Care Centre was felt to be necessary by the Private Sector.

In this regard BHS Lakeview group of Hospitals in association with Hotel Rohan Residency Belagavi has started a Dedicated COVID CARE CENTRE (CCC) at Nehru nagar Belagavi. The facility will be admitting Asymptomatic & mildly symptomatic COVID positive patients as per the guidelines provided of Government Health authorities.


“Responding t0 the call given by the authorities we are offering our services for the benefit of needy patients. We urge needy persons to take advantage of the facility,” Dr Keertiraya Mane MD & CEO of Lakeview hospital, Gandhi Nagar said adding that the new care facility has 40 beds available and that care will he provided by the medical & nursing officers round the clock at the facility.

Giving further details Dr Girish Sonwalkar said that the facility would be inaugurated on Sunday and would be open for needy patients. He acknowledged the support of Mr Veeresh Kivadsannavar President, Samruddhi Seva Samithi, a NGO from Belagavi in setting up the centre.

For details needy persons may contact Hotel Rohan Residency, Opposite Hotel Ramdev Nehru Nagar Belagavi Contact No: 9762631579

JANAKALYAN TRUST has also started a JANASEVA COVID CARE at Rama Keshava Lodge,Anagol Naka,Khanapur Road Tilakawadi Belagavi Phone 0831 4810468

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