Mahadayi row: Is BJP holding farmers to ransom?

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By Vijaykumar Patil

By setting what apparently is an unexpected and undemocratic condition that the Bharatiya Janata Party will evolve a workable solution to the vexed issue of sharing rain-fed Mahadayi (called Mandovi in Goa) river water if voted to power in the May-2018 elections to the Karnataka legislative assembly, party’s national president Amit Shah seems to be holding the people of the State for ransom? In simple terms, what he has conveyed to the people in Kalaburgi during his two-day tour of the Hyderabad-Karnataka region in the State on Monday is: You give us your vote and we will give you Mahadayi water in return.

The question is: Will the BJP, heading the NDA government at the centre for almost four years now, continue with same allegedly partisan attitude towards Karnataka just because its party is not in power in the State but into the hands of its rival Congress?

Mahadayi in full flow near Krishnapur seen from Bhimgad Fort.
Mahadayi in full flow near Krishnapur seen from Bhimgad Fort.

The water-starved farmers and residents of Karnataka, particularly of North Karnataka region have been agitating for early solution on sharing Mahadayi water to meet their irrigational and drinking water needs for more than two decades. The dispute escalated further due to the alleged delay by the Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal in delivering its verdict with farmers launching an indefinite agitation in Nargund of Gadag district on July 16, 2015 and impatiently waiting for the long elusive solution. The New Year eve (Dec.31, 2017) was just 900th day of their continued agitation – one of the longest driven farmers’ agitation in the recent history of the country, indeed?

The Karnataka government claims that there was around 200 tmc of water available in the Mahadayi river which drains waste into the Arabian sea while the State seeking only divert 7.56 tmc of water through the two Kalasa-Banduri Nala projects into the water-deficit Malaprabha river (a tributary of Krishna river flowing through the north Karnataka belts) to meet the drinking water and irrigational needs of the people of parched areas in North Karnataka region. However, though the Goa has been disputing the claims on availability of water and opposing the diversion of water on the grounds that it would impact the ecology of its State nestled along the Western Ghats, the present Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar issued a letter assuring that it would not object.

It was in July, 2002 that Goa made a request under Section 3 of the Inter-State River Water Disputes Act, 1956 (as amended) for constitution of the Tribunal Act for adjudication and decision of dispute. With the Goa government allegedly no willing for a negotiable settlement, the Cabinet considered in its meeting held on 10.12.2009 and approved the proposal of constitution of Mahadayi Tribunal and the government constituted MWDT vide notification dated 16th November, 2010, according to the information available on MWDT website. Subsequently, the MWDT members physically inspected the various sites of Mahadayi and Malaprabha basins. The final hearing was held recently and the Tribunal is expected to deliver the verdict before August this year.

The agitating farmers and the Karnataka government both have been requesting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intervention to find out an early and out-of-the-court solution for the last three years, but the latter tossed the ball back into the court of the Congress government advising it to evolve consensus among Congress units in all the three riparian States of Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra. Thus, there is a visible stalemate with both the Congress and BJP indulging in blame-game, coming in sharp contrast to the expectations that the Prime Minister would gift at least an interim solution during his recent visit to the Bengaluru.

Now, when Mr.Shah says that his party will evolve a solution if voted to power, the farmers wonder and suggest that BJP in power at the centre and in Goa and Maharashtra could have solved the problem three years ago itself. What prevented him from pursuing the Prime Minister to intervene and ensure at least an interim relief to the water-starved people of North Karnataka, which overwhelmingly supported the BJP both in the last assembly and parliament elections? By saying that the BJP will solve the row if the party came to power, it is only making it clear that it would continue with the status-quo unmindful of the fact that the issue is before the tribunal and that it would now be resolved only by it whereas not by one State government. Yet, all the three riparian states and the centre had the opportunity to do their bit by finding an amicable solution, which they stand missed out now in protecting their political interests. In other words, the farmers have to wait till the MWDT delivered its verdict.

It is not that the BJP stands out exception here. Almost all parties have been wittingly or unwittingly laying out such conditions to the gullible voters/people promising solutions to the existing problems and development works if voted to power. But, how the farmers of the region will take Mr.Shah’s stand at the hustings in May vis-à-vis Mahadayi dispute is a matter to be wait and watched!

About the Author:  Vijaykumar Patil is a senior journalist with nearly 27 years of experience in India’s national English print media. He took voluntary retirement to work as freelancer. Presently, he stays in Belagavi.

Disclaimer: The article is written by the author in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of

0 thoughts on “Mahadayi row: Is BJP holding farmers to ransom?”

  1. Whatever it is only Karnataka BJP, GOA BJP and Central BJP can solve this problem together… Problem is Parrikar is admitted in hospital, or else he would have made BJP win karnataka by his statements and Siddhu would have cried till now…

    Commissiongress (Congress) has nothing to do with this issue.. Simply they would be praying God to keep Parrikar admitted in hospital..

    But God’s ashirwad issue with Parrikar and Yeddi… Parrikar will return and blow big to Siddhu and his Pappu ? ? ? ?

  2. Politicians only make promises. They shall never solve any problems. If they solve then what they will be left to talk and divide voters with?


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