Mahadwar road will be widened to 45 feet

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The Mahadwar main road which connects Kapileshwar temple to Old Dharwad road is now planned to be widened to 45 feet as it will ease traffic.

A sum of 45 lakhs has been allocated for the road making. Yesterday local councillor and engineer reviewed the area and asked the residents to remove their encroachments.

mahadwar road

The residents were asked to give their support for the road widening.
It is also said that the corporation has given 15 days time to the residents to remove the said encroachments.

10 thoughts on “Mahadwar road will be widened to 45 feet”

  1. because of smart city everywhere road widening but corporation and cantonment forget to main road in the belgaum SANCHAYNI CIRCLE TO GOGTE CIRCLE, camp road widened first. all the way from globe to Petrol pump is very small road on both sides of the divider. Its a traffic hazard. they are making road in street area but they forget main road in the belgaum where traffic are more, I think because of political pressure. ramlingkhind galli, ramdev gali, very small small area where they are made master plan but y they are forget this road????? actual the road is required 120 feet because of current traffic in this road. but are political leaders are busy in collecting votes.

  2. yes sir this is related to smart city only because of belgaum development started after selecting in smart city. if you see patil galli, mahatmafule road, kapileshwar bridge this all work started after smart city selection. my request is to corporation and cantonment to make the road 120 feet from gogte circle to sanchayni circle. because this road is very help full for belgaum peoples.

    • plz get u r facts clear Smart city has nothing to do with this. Smart city proposals are on this website plz search and verify.
      Plz just dont tag any work with Smart city which is really not included in the Smart city proposal.

      • What is the proposed plan and how will I know that my house will not be listed among the enchroched area listings?
        What is the time limit after the notice period?
        Can you guide me where can find all this data. I’m a sailor and presently sailing at high seas.
        Thanks in advance.

        • For Corporation there is nothing as notice they never give. again the word encroachment is used by them normally which is wrong. just saying encroachment is wrong. if u own that piece of land u must be compensated but if u have built a building recently then u have to leave some amount as set back then and if u have built a shed on that peice of set back then that is encroachment

  3. What is the use of widening this road, both the main roads have flyovers now by which the side roads are so narrow that hardly vehicles pass easily, what will be the use , passing from narrow road from kapileshwar then get a wider road again go to a narrow road on old Dharwad road. Waste of time and money of public and even destroy public property and homes.


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