Maharashtra allows entry without RTPCR if having 15-day gap from second COVID vaccine dose

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Persons who’ve been vaccinated with both doses of COVID vaccine & are in possession of a final vaccination certificate, are exempted from the requirement of a negative RT-PCR report on their entry into the State. Exemption applicable for domestic & international passengers: Govt of Maharashtra

The GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA has issued a new order –

In exercise of the powers conferred under the Disaster Management Act.2005. the undersigned in the capacity of the Chairperson of the State Executive Committee of the State Disaster Management Authority hereby decrees shot persons who have been vaccinated with both doses of the COVID 19 vaccine and 15 days have elapsed since the administration of the second dose of the vaccine and is in possession of the final vaccination certificate issued through the COWIN portal then such parsons be exempted from the mandatory requirement of possessing a negative RTPCR report on their entry into the State.


It is clarified that this exemption is applicable for domestic as well as international passengers.

It is mandated that, despite this exemption order in place, all passengers, irrespective of slam of vaccination must compulsorily follow Covid Appropriate Behavior (wearing mask, frequent sanitizing of hand, maintaining social distancing etc2 at all times.

The time interval of the validity of the RTPCR test for all other persons will now be 72 hours instead of 48 hours.

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