Maharashtra open for out-of-court settlement of border dispute

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Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan on Thursday said that his government was open to an out-of-court settlement on the long-pending boundary dispute with Karnataka.chavan


Mr. Chavan was speaking at the Legislative Assembly in reply to the motion of thanks to the Governor for his address to the joint session of the state legislature; we wish to accelerate the border issue towards a settlement in this golden jubilee year of foundation of Maharashtra state he said.

Maharashtra will not tolerate injustice on the Marathi-speaking people of Belgaum, Karwar, Nippani and other areas on the Maharashtra-Karnataka boundary. There will be no compromise on this issue he added.

Source: The Hindu

1 thought on “Maharashtra open for out-of-court settlement of border dispute”

  1. PLease come up with some solution for this long pending boundary dispute. So that belgaum can become a peacefull place . Its indeed peacefull,But due to politics and other issues the matter is being hyped. Local people in BELGUAM CITY have no problems whatsoever.. Marathi or Kannada.. there’s no problems.. But external ppl come in and they take advantage of this border issue. Hopefully this time Mr.Chaavan and Mr.Yedurappa sit together and come up with an end-end solution.


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