Mandar Desurkar amongst sports talent under STEPP Karnataka-2018 initiative

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India can do wonders in sports if our young sports talents are recognized and supported at the grass root level and supporting pillars of their performances – coaches, training clubs and educational institutes are given the due credits. In this direction, Gamatics India Pvt Ltd in association with NSRCEL – IIM Bangalore and KHEL Foundation have started an initiative called STEPP (Sports Talent Exploration and Promotion Program).

The pilot project is STEPP-Karnataka ( focusing on talents in Karnataka. Under this initiative, more than 3500 applications were received across all age, gender, sports, and geography. 3 months of intensive analytics was done to identify the top 200+ sports talents, 50+ coaches, 50+ clubs and 40+ educational institutes.

mandar-steepTo recognize and award these talents, we are hosting a full day program focused on brainstorming, networking and chalking out the plans on how to strengthen sports from grass root level, followed by award function.

Open Sea Swimmer Mandar Desurkar a Std.10 student of KLE International school Belagavi is one amongst the Sports Talents of Karnataka under STEPP Karnataka-2018 initiative.

Under the List of Top Sports Supporting Educational Institutes of Karnataka under STEPP Karnataka-2018 initiative, we have 4 names –
Govindram Seksaria Science College
Abba Sports Club
Swimmers Club
Rotary Club of Belgaum

2 thoughts on “Mandar Desurkar amongst sports talent under STEPP Karnataka-2018 initiative”

  1. A few other swimmers from Belgaum city felicitated among the Sports Talents of Karnataka under STEEP Karnataka -2018 initiative are Rijul Patil, Sunidi Halkare, Anumati Chougule and Arya Doddannavar.

    • Thanks for the heads up the official website does not have a mention of the cities we were able to know one. We will add up the names. is the above list exhaustive?


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