Maza Bappa App to see Belagavi Ganpati

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In today’s generation, social media / multimedia application is a trend. Maza Bappa App is the 1st app in India made especially for Ganesha Festival which serves as a platform to make things simpler for the people. People outside Belagavi or can say all over India can view our Belagavi Mandals / Users Ganesha idol, which is a proud feeling for every Belagaviite. Shreyas Shrikant Patil, a Belagavi youth has designed and launched the free app in Playstore.

Maza Bappa App will not get any income from this as the App is not commercial based and no ads will be seen on it. The App is based purely on providing Ganesha Service for the people. We need your co-operation in this journey, so please support us by downloading and using the App.


This Ganesh Chaturti let’s not struggle with the Ganesh darshan, Maza Bappa a one stop destination App to locate and view all the Bappa’s situated in and around Belagavi is at your service. This App also gives privilege to the users to upload pictures of Bappa, Like as well as vote for your favorite Ganesh Mandal Idol.

As each registered mandal will be provided with a User ID and Password by the Maza Bappa App (Shreyash Shrikant Patil – 9902118030) there is a need for a volunteer from each of the registered mandal to handle their profile, meaning to upload their Mandal Details / Ganesha Photos.

An extra feature for all the users called “maps” will be available which will locate your position and also Ganesha Idols nearby you / all over Belagavi. It also guides you from your location to the desired location.

There are total two sections for login:


Each mandal has to register with the App by contacting on the number provided (Shreyash Shrikant Patil – 9902118030) than a User ID and Password will be provided to them for login where they can handle their own profile.

Individual user

Common user can use this app too by signing-in the required details and authenticating themselves. This App provides an opportunity to common users for uploading their Home Ganesha Idol Photos that can be viewed & liked by other users.

At the end of the festival, most liked 3 photos will be awarded. An extra facility will be added after a few days called voting where each individual user will be given 3 chances to vote for 3 mandals they like and these 3 winners will be awarded.


Download the app

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