The Nandgad Gram Panchayat in Kahanpur Taluka has bagged the 3rd spot nationwide in the MISSION ANTYODAYA SURVEY 2020, rankings of gram panchayats with an overall score of 89 out of 100.
In 2019 Nandgad was in 5th position so, the Gram Panchayat has improved its ranking this year.
Nanadgad is about 32 km, from Belagavi.
The GP has a population of 9297 with a total number of households of 1864.
HULAKOTI, Gadad stands at #1 with a total score of 90.
Mission Antyodaya under Union rural development ministry is conceived as a convergence platform to bring about the consolidated implementation of existing schemes to improve physical and social parameters in a panchayat.
The progress made is measured at the end of the year through a survey that ranks them on a scale of 100. According to a senior official, the 2020 rankings are provisional as the process of assessing the panchayats is still on.
The score is provisional and based on the data uploaded so far. It includes data uploaded in 2020. The total data uploaded (partially/completed) for All India is 227993 GPs. As data of more GPs are uploaded. The score is likely to change. The Total GPs falling in the Score Group (81 to 90) is 163 GPs.
Yesterday, my two wheeler was towed by the Belgaum Traffic Police from Khade Bazaar near Amarcon. When I came back and searched for my vehicle it was missing. I was later told that it will be in the premise of the Camp Traffic Police Station Head quarters . When I went looking for it, I found it parked in their premise.
I spoke to the officer in-charge and he told me that I am supposed to pay a fine of Rs.1000 and an additional Rs.650 as towing charges. I was shocked, this was my first experience and I asked them what was my offence. They told me that it was parked on the wrong side of the road.
As I had not carried so much money and not willing to part with my hard earned money so easily, I came back home , cooled down and then went through the fines charged. From what I read, there are 21 no parking zones in Belgaum. If you park your vehicle in these zones, the fine of Rs.1650/- will be applied.
I want to know from someone more enlightened on the subject whether parking on the wrong side of the road and parking in a no parking zone is just the same? Was there a need for them to tow the vehicle? Could they not just take a picture and booked me for wrong parking? Can anyone tell me what is the fine for parking on wrong side of the road?
I am not sure but I feel that they are doing something wrong. Can someone correct me if my understanding is wrong.
yes we have already published a story in this