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No action on Non-HSRP vehicles till June 12, state to Karnataka HC

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By uday

The State government assured the Karnataka High Court on Tuesday that it would refrain from taking any immediate action until June 12 regarding the installation of High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) on vehicles registered before April 1, 2019.

This commitment was made by the government counsel during a hearing before a vacation division bench consisting of Justice SR Krishna Kumar and Justice Ramachandra D Huddar. The hearing pertained to appeals filed by the HSRP Manufacturers’ Association of India and others regarding the installation of HSRP on older vehicles.

The association argued that petitions challenging the government’s August 2023 notification, which allowed only vehicle manufacturers to install HSRP on older vehicles, would lose relevance if the May 31 deadline was not extended by the government.

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In response to the bench’s inquiry about the consequences of missing the deadline, the government counsel assured that no immediate action would be taken until June 12. As a result, the bench decided to adjourn further proceedings to June 11.

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