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Official Deadline for completion of RoB at Gogte circle is April 2019

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The 110-year-old railway overbridge connecting Gogte Circle and Basaveshwar Circle on Khanapur Road and the work to replace it with a four-lane bridge began in the First week of October 2017.

The old British built bridge was closed for traffic on October 14, 2017. It may be noted that the said old bridge was built by the British and work commenced in 1901 and work was completed in 1905. In 2005 the company which had built the said bridge which has its office in England sent a letter to the Corporation stating that the guarantee of the bridge is over and it would be better if a new one is constructed and the company has no responsibility henceforth.

The time allocated for the completion of the work in the tender is 18 months, hence the contractor is bound to finish the work by April 2019.

Work Update as on 11-11-2018.
The Concrete on one side of the 4 lane bridge is over and now the now the Arch on the second side would be placed in this week.
The work seems to be on schedule and it is very likely that the RoB would be opened by January – February 2019.
After the concrete work, dividers, median lights, painting, finishing will take at least a month. 

November First week

Name of work: Londa-Miraj section – Construction of ROB 2 x 36.00m bowstring girder for railway span and approach with RE panel/Retaining wall for 4 line traffic and dismantling existing ROB No.126A at Km. 610/000-610/100 at Belagavi station yard and providing Superstructure 1 x 24.00m composite girder for two-lane traffic at bridge No.2 (ROB)at Km:560/300-400 near Londa station. Duly dismantling in Existing Bridge 2 (ROB)

Value of work: Rs. 14,36,41,973/- (14 Crore)

Work Started: October 2017
Completion period: 18 months
Contract Awarded to M/s KRISHI INFRATECH

5 thoughts on “Official Deadline for completion of RoB at Gogte circle is April 2019”

  1. Well it’s better not to compromise quality over time for completion the ROB on fort road is a best example with a shitty finish at every joint


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