Only 1 counter for issue of bus pass

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By editor

The KRV led a agitation on the NWKRTC and asked the authorities there to make arrangements for more counters which will issue bus pass to the students who had come there from rural areas. As there was only one counter issuing the passes the students had to wait for day long at the NWKRTC offices. The KRV also alleged that the Belgaum depot was charging Rs.20 extra than the rates prescribedkrvpass

3 thoughts on “Only 1 counter for issue of bus pass”

  1. Why cant MES fight for the cause of people and development like KRV. KRV in belgaum fights for pro people issues and development issues. I hope MES understands its not the border issue but the development issues are far more important.

  2. Well same case goes with the Railways. Even for getting just the Platform ticket there is not separate counter. Prior there used to be one. But i hardly see that its operative. We have to wait in the ticket issuing counter.


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