Parmanand Godhwani becomes BUDA chairman

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Senior member of the BJP and the Sindhi community Parmanand Godhwani took charge as the Chairman of the Belgaum Urban Development Authority. The post was vacant after the demise of Balasaheb Kangralkar.

Mr.Godhwani said that the city has seen tremendous growth in the past years and a Ring road for the city is now the need of the hour.

Godhwani has joined the RSS in 1956 and he has also served as BJP District president. godwani buda

4 thoughts on “Parmanand Godhwani becomes BUDA chairman”

  1. classic example of two cats fighting for a cake and taken away by some one else. while kannada and marathi politician fight on language and boarder issue this sindhi community guy has got the post to develop belgaum.

    • +100.. moreover he’ll sit there for next 5 years doing nothing, no urban development.. Belgaum hasn’t seen a CDP planning from 18 years! Come on Godwani saab.. get us new nagars in north south east west of Belgaum…..

  2. As much as i know him, he’s gonna reform the city well. He’s real honest in his work. thats the need of the hour here. Also, no one can beat him in experience. for guys who dont know him pls dont comment.


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