Those who have been following the recent blogs will be aware that Ajit Patil had filed multiple RTIs and complaints regarding persistent parking violations in Belagavi. The RTI filed seeking information about authorized staff to collect parking fees at Bapat Galli and Club Road, as well as the authorized receipt book provided by the corporation, was one of the most recent developments in the RTI/Complaint-series. The information was provided by the corporation office, and it is being shared with the public.
Please note the below persons authorized to collect these charges and do not pay if the charges are being collected by anybody other than these authorized people or if incorrect receipts are being produced.
It was also observed that irrespective of how long you park your vehicle, the receipt machine is programmed to charge you for 3 Hours 30 Mins, hence it is strongly advised to the public to do not accept the receipt for 3:30 Mins duration.
If it is observed by anyone that there had been violations happening regarding parking please WhatsApp pictures, incidents, to 741 741 8338.