Due to the harmful effects of plastic, the Government of Karnataka has taken a proactive step to ban the use of Plastics in the State and make Karnataka a Plastic-free State. Karnataka State passed the statewide plastic ban order on March 11, 2016: (Plastic Ban Notification) under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 vide. Gazette Notification No. FEE 17 EPC 2012, Bangalore dated 11.03.2016. It was published in the Karnataka Gazette on the same date.
The government notification makes specific mention that plastic, no matter its thickness, is banned across the State. “No shopkeeper, vendor, wholesale dealer, retailer, trader, hawker or salesman shall use plastic carry bags, plastic banners, plastic buntings, flex, plastic flags, plastic plates, plastic cups, plastic spoons, cling film and plastic sheets for spreading on dining table, Non Woven, irrespective of thickness including the above items made of thermacol and plastic, which use plastic micro beeds”.
The only exemption granted is for the export units, apart from the plastic used for milk and milk products and plant nurseries.
With the Karnataka government ordering a blanket ban on single-use plastics, some individuals and establishments were continuing to use them as they have a CPCB certification ‘compostable’ bags. The point is to ban the use of single-use plastic, as these will just add to the solid waste collection in the city and state. These are not reusable like cloth bags, steel bottles or cutlery. It is also not possible to verify if each bag is indeed compostable says the KPSCB.
It good to ban plastic and all the citizens of Karnataka as well of our country should ban useing of plastic but first government should shutdown the factory of plastic making. Once there is no plastic products no will use it. Save Karnataka save India.
Still all the peoples are using plastic and non woven bags in belgaum and tamilnadu and also other places in India, we need to government act strictly in this manner.