The commissioner of police has shared this message
Good evening to all we are getting general information that some person are threatening OLA drivers. No such cases reported to police till now, people are requested to use OLA without any fear any inconvenience report to ACP traffic Belagavi.
Inform here: Mobile number 9480800654 whatsaap number 9483931100.
We only have OLA services in Belagavi and we had reported that OLA drivers terrified of Local Auto drivers ask commuters to come away from Bus stand.
Vinayak Bhosale shared this Tweet which makes us worry where are we living and is there any law and order in this city.
Vinayak’s tweet mentions – OLA cab Driver denied to pick me from CBT bus stand Belagavi by saying Rickshaw drivers ll harass him. Later asked to come some 200 meters away from bus stop. Driver told me even DC ,SP, RTO none are helping OLA.
So to avoid harassment the OLA driver calls the commuters to come 200-300 meters away from the Bus stand. The same thing happens at Ramdev and Railway station.
RC Akshata also shared
Even I faced the same issues.. the driver asked me to come 100mtrs forward from autorickshaw stand. I had to take ola since I was with 2 family members with so many luggages. Can anyone help on this.
But the complaints have not reached the police but it feels like they have taken some cognizance of our story and also in other media and issued a statement which is a welcome sign.
So the next time you book an OLA and he asks you to come away from CBT, Ramdev etc call the police number and inform.
The Rickshaws will finally go the Dhamni and the Tonga way simply because the consumer has moved on and does not patronise it any more , it’s also sign on India moving in the middle income category .in the mean time They (rickshaws) will try their best by hook or crook to remain in the market place.s
This autos can be forced to take fares according to the meter immediatly. Only the police have to force them as they are forcing citizens to wear Helmets. but will they??????????????????????????????????/
First of all, auto walas never agree to run according to the meter. I was even once told by an auto driver “Belgaum mein meter nahi chalta”.
Also, the auto wala in front of KLE University do this for sure and also do not allow other autos/ola to pickup anyone from there. I ,as a student, whose home state is not KARNATAKA and lives on a budget here, feel cheated and unfair. At the same time, unsafe too. One of my female colleagues was once abused by an auto wala because she was trying to bargain.
I hope some action is taken to break this Monopoly. I hope Mr. Commissioner sees this or somebody conveys the issue to him directly.
Belgaum doesn’t require auto rickshaw’s anymore because they are looting people’s money by charging them heavily for a short distance. Just from Ramdev to subash nagar they are charging Rs 120 /- which is not even 1.5 kms. I instead walked for that distance instead of paying to those auto rickshaw walas. They should learn a lesson. BAN AUTORICKSHAW’S IN BELGAUM.
I have had this experience at the main bus stand.
Good gesture from police. Thanks to them. However it’s risky to complain against errent autos to police. Let police travel in plain clothes and identify culprits instead of waiting for public to complain. Let them refrain from their age old version like no complaints from public. Let police be proactive and help public get auto rides on meter and also ola auto rides.