The Tilakwadi police had arrested the trio of Damodar Mahadev Mudaliyar, Maruti Bhimappa Naigar, Angol and Vinayak Kangale of Patil Malla in Matka case and Rs. 11,600 were seized from them.
But the Mudliyar family alleged that in actual Rs.42000 were seized but only 11600 were shown on paper.
Mother and wife of Damodar Mudaliyar work as a housemaid and all the money they had earned was taken away by the police the family alleges.
The police broke open the locker and took away all the money, they told speaking to the media.
They also alleged that the women were ill-treated by the police.
Video courtesy: Tarun Bharat Daily
This shows in the presence of police it’s so unsafe