Kaveri, aged 6 fell into a 400 feet deep borewell in Athani, Belagavi district of Karnataka on Saturday evening. The incident happened at Jhunjarawadi village in Athani taluk of the district when Kaveri was playing with her friends near the dry borewell, which was left open and fell into it.
She is presently trapped at around 57 feet is visible. Rescue operations are underway and emergency services have been rushed to the spot.
National Disaster Response Force who is looking after rescue operations said Hard soil and rocks around the borewell are hampering the operation.
A 10-feet tunnel so far and efforts are on to dig 20 feet more to reach Kaveri and pull her out of the borewell at the earliest.
I pray for her safe return, I want govt to take strict action against the owner
I want all the people to jointly appeal to the higher authorities that a strict action should be taken against the borewell owner who did not care to close the death hole.
Pray for the kid.