Residents of Aashrayawadi self contribute to get Water supply

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Since year 2004, “Aashrayawadi” near Nanawadi is not provided with basic amenities like Road and water. In spite of the continuous follow up with concerned departments, they were neglected by all. After suffering for many years, the 40 odd residents finally decided to contribute the funds from their own pocket for municipal water connection and paid Rs 3.98 lakhs to KUWAS.

Residents said, If you are looking for good facilities and willing to contribute to Govt. then things will definitely start moving fast. We should not depend on Govt. alone all the time to make things happen but need to support and work with them hand in hand.

Now the KUWAS board has assured for laying pipes and the residents hope to get water supply in a couple of months.

2 thoughts on “Residents of Aashrayawadi self contribute to get Water supply”

  1. What a pathetic condition of citizens of this Nation. Even after paying tax appropriate functioning body of state government expect pupil again contribute their hard earned money.

    Pls check your HOUSE TAX bill{Corporation or Panchayat)
    Road tax =………{without road}
    Street light tax=………{without light}
    Water bill =……{without water}

    Every year tax is collected on coming monthly basis{ for 12 months)


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