Road Safety and Art of Defensive Driving

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KLS IMER, Belagavi had organized session on “Road Safety and Art of Defensive Driving” by Mr. Amol Tope, Chairman, SUCCEEDSAFE, Mumbai on 5th May 2015 at 10.30 am to 12 Noon in KLS IMER Auditorium for students and staff under IMER Industry Interaction (III) Series. Mr. Amol Tope spoke on significance of making road safety a habit by every single rider and drivers. He gave few heart crunching incidents of road crashes that are happening on Indian roads. He said on an average 370 people lose their lives every day because of road accidents.amol-tope

Mr. Amol Tope propagated defensive driving tips. It’s a primary responsibility of the person riding/driving vehicle to follow traffic rules, good attitude and certain driving discipline such as good maintenance of vehicle, wearing helmet, seatbelts, avoiding overtaking, respect pedestrians etc.

The session was an eye-opener for the audience gathered who may probably take riding/driving granted on roads. Mr. Amol Tope concluded the session by making audience take oath on safe driving. Getting back to family every single day without an injury is one’s gift and service to loved ones.

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