Road widening on Kalmath Road Begins

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The Kalmath road will be a 12.19 mtrs road where 88 properties will have to be demolished. The work began this morning with the marking.

Also marking was done in Raviwar peth upto Fort road.kalmath-road

With no officials coming to Patil galli people themselves have evacuated most of their belongings and others are removing them.

The piling for the Road over bridge or the Railway over bridge at Kapileshwar was commenced today.

5 thoughts on “Road widening on Kalmath Road Begins”

  1. One thing i am not understanding that wy the people who loss there properties no against of this master plan where they not given any compensation all Galli properties owners should make union and go for compensation and fight for there rights

  2. I agree with you Mr. Santosh Chougule.
    By this we can imagine the situation once the “LAND ACQUISITION” bill is passed by the Center.
    They are such & such clauses in that bill, we common people cant understand you know.
    But when the practical situation comes on Land Acquisition, than we will come to know the reality.
    Whether it is for Development / Destruction of common people.
    Lets see what happens,,,

  3. Santosh ji!

    only those properties will be demolished which were constructed after the CPD was made long back!!

    no such properties can be claimed as there were illegally constructed the properties over the area

  4. Good Developmental work in progress by the authorities concerned for the betterment of the society. This was long long overdue. Regards compensation to the affected people in their localities, it is hoped that full justice will be done to them. Long Live & Thrive Belgavi(Belgaum). Jan Shaikh( Past resident)


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