Rs.10 back on car parking ticket at Railway station

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belgaum station
The 2 parking tickets from Belgaum Railway Station

In April we had made this story What is the Correct parking fee for cars at Belgaum Railway station Rs.10 or 20 ?

And yesterday we found a parking ticket on which Rs.10 is mentioned.

It may be recalled that, our reader had shared an image placed at the car parking slot at Belgaum railway station which says – Parking for 4 Wheeler is Rs.10 for two hours ; but the contractor is charging Rs.20 saying the Board is Old and prices have increased.

Another reader shared the parking ticket on which the Rs.10 printed as per Railway standard was punched and Rs.20 stamped on it.
Team AAB did some research and found out that Tender Notice No. H/C 300/BGM/Four wheeler Parking/13 was issued on 30.04.2013 to award a contract for a period of THREE years.

In the same Tender the prescribed parking fees is mentioned as Rs.10 per two hours or part thereof.

We were however unable to find the order copy for this tender.
However our research team did find the 
Hubli station parking order copy which is currently in force upto 2015, where also the prescribed fees mentioned is the same “ Rs.10 per two hours or part thereof.”

But now it seems the parking ticket price is down to what it should be….  So Did we create an IMPACT? 


2 thoughts on “Rs.10 back on car parking ticket at Railway station”

  1. Good job AAB. I appreciate your timely action in reporting such matters. These contractors are looting the public and making good money. It could be the same story elsewhere also like bus-stand, etc. Thanks AAB, keep up your good work. For sure you have created this IMPACT.

  2. Your timely publication of the malpractices by the contractor has woken up the railway authorities.Before the reinstatement of the old rate the parking at the railway station was free. (there was a talk of changing the contractor.)
    Your crusade against the illegal parking fee collection is gaining the momentum and making authorities(!) wake up from the deep slumber.


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